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Shows and Events In Fortaleza Castelão Brazil

You know all the events happening in your city? Get in on the cultural agenda, concerts, theater and parties? Check out the news.
Montadora Paulista de Eventos
The "Montadora Paulista de Eventos" is headquartered in Fortaleza and it´s a company specialized in stands assembly tents, box truss, backdrop, stage, gateways, shopping kiosks and rental of furniture, Unifila, TV, desk and general furniture for partys.
Montadora Paulista de Eventos
The "Montadora Paulista de Eventos" is headquartered in Fortaleza and it´s a company specialized in stands assembly tents, box truss, backdrop, stage, gateways, shopping kiosks and rental of furniture, Unifila, TV, desk and general furniture for partys.